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2024 | Forthcoming
Krems, J. A., Merrie, L. A., Rodriguez, N. N., & Williams, K. E. G. (in press). Venting makes our friends prefer—and preferentially support—us over the friends we vent about. Evolution and Human Behavior.
Ayers, J. A., Krems, J. A., & Aktipis, A. (2024). How do you build a perfect friend? Evidence from two forced-choice decision-making experiments. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. [Pre-print]
Merrie, L. A., Krems, J. A., & Sznycer, D. (2024). Dyads in networks: We (dis)like our partners’ partners based on their anticipated indirect effects on us. Evolution & Human Behavior, 45(3), 203-213. [Paper] [Preregistrations, Data, + Code]
Rodriguez, N. N., & Krems, J. A. (2024). Two notes on Wiezel et al.: Explaining why people disfavor dominant leaders and exploring overlooked sources of women's dominance and leadership. [Commentary]. Evolution & Human Behavior.
Krems, J. A., French, J., & Filip-Crawford, G. (2024). A secret language of aggression: Disgust expressions may signal impending social exclusion among women. Frontiers in Social Psychology [Special Issue: Rising Stars in Social Psychology].
Krems, J.A., & Byrd-Craven, J. (forthcoming). Friendship. In Maryanne Fisher (Ed.), APA Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology.
Krems, J. A., Hahnel-Peeters, R., Merrie, L. A., Williams, K. E. G., & Sznycer, D. (2023). Sometimes we want vicious friends: People have nuanced preferences for how they want friends to behave toward them versus others. Evolution and Human Behavior, 44(2), 88-98. [Paper] [Preregistrations, Data, + Code]Ayers, J. D., Krems, J. A., & Aktipis, A. (2023). A factor analytic examination of women's and men's friendship preferences. Personality and Individual Differences, 206, 112-120. [Paper]
Patel, D., Krems, J. A., Stout, M., Byrd-Craven, J., & Hawkins, M. A. W. (2023). Parents of children with higher-weight are viewed as responsible for child weight and thus stigmatized. Psychological Science, 34(1), 35-46. [Paper] [Preregistrations, Data, + Code]
[Our article on this work in The Conversation]
Krems, J. A., & Bock, J. E. (2023). The role of women's and men's body shapes in explicit and implicit fat stigma. Obesities, 3(2), 97-118. [Paper] [Preregistrations, Data, + Code]
Keirns, N.G., Keirns, B.H., Tsotsoros, C.E., Layman, H.M., Stout, M.E., Sciarrilo C.M., Emerson, S.E., Byrd-Craven, J., Krems, J.A., Pearl, R.L., Tomiyama, A.J., & Hawkins, M.A.W. (2023). Acute inflammatory effects of weight stigma in women: An experimental pilot study. Stigma and Health.
Ko, A., Bock, J., & Krems, J. A., (2023). Contagious or prosocial? Perceptions of White and Asian mask-wearers: A cross-cultural comparison during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(11), e12880.
Guevara Beltran, D., Whisner, C., Krems, J. A., Todd, P., & Aktipis, A. (2023). Food scarcity and disease concern reduce interdependence when people eat together. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(6), 1245-1261.
Fisher, M., & Krems, J. A. (2023). An evolutionary review of female intrasexual competition. In D. Buss (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Human Mating. Oxford University Press.
Krems, J. A., Merrie, L. A., Short, T., Duarte, K., Rodriguez, N., French, J. E., Sznycer, D., & Byrd-Craven, J. (2022). Third-party Perceptions of Male and Female Status Cues: Male Physical Strength and Female Physical Attractiveness Cue High Status. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [Special issue: Sex and Gender Effects on Status, Dominance, and Leadership – An Interdisciplinary Look at Humans and Other Mammalian Societies]. [Paper] [Preregistrations, Data + Code]
Krems, J. A., Williams, K. E. G., Merrie, L. A., Kenrick, D. T., & Aktipis, A. (2022). Sex similarities and differences in friendship jealousy. Evolution and Human Behavior. [Paper] [Data + Code)
Williams, K. E. G., Krems, J. A., Ayers, J. A., & Rankin, A. (2022). Sex differences in friendship preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 43(1), 44-52. [Paper] [Data + Code]Ayers, J. A., Krems, J. A., Hess, N., & Aktipis, A. (2022). Mother-in-law daughter-in-law conflict: An evolutionary perspective and report of empirical data from the United States. Evolutionary Psychological Science.
Bradshaw, H., Krems, J. A., & Hill, S. E. (2022). Resource availability differentially influences women’s perceptions of same- (vs. cross-) sex others’ competitiveness. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences.
Barlev, M., Ko., A., Krems, J. A., & Neuberg, S. L. (2022). Weight location moderates weight-based self-devaluation and perceived social devaluation in women. Social Psychological and Personal Science, 13(8), 1199-1209. [Paper] [Data +Code]
Krems, J. A. (2022). Foreword. In A. Alkon, Meangirl-ology: How to protect yourself from sneak attacks and social ruin (pp. 2-4). Creators Publishing.
Krems, J. A., Bradshaw, H., & Merrie, L. (2022). Intrasexual aggression. In J. Mogliski & T. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Romantic Relationships. Oxford University Press. [Proof]
Krems, J. A., Claessens, S., Fales, M. R., Campenni, M., Haselton, M. G., & Aktipis, A. (2021). An agent-based model of the female rivalry hypothesis for concealed ovulation in humans. Nature Human Behaviour, (5), 726-735. [Paper Link] [Data, Code, Agent-Based Model]
Krems, J. A., Ko, A., Moon, J., & Varnum, M. E. W. (2021). Lay beliefs about gender and sexual behavior: First evidence for a pervasive, robust (but seemingly unfounded) stereotype. Psychological Science, 32(6), 871-889. [Paper] [Data + Code]
[APS Top Ten Most Impactful Articles of 2021]
[Our article on this work in The Conversation]
Krems, J. A., Williams, K. E. G., Kenrick, D. T., & Aktipis, A. (2021). Friendship jealousy: One tool of friendship maintenance? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 977-1012. [Paper] [Pre-registrations] [Data + Code]
Cook, C. L., Krems, J. A., & Kenrick, D. T. (2021). Fundamental motives illuminate a broad range of individual and cultural variations in thought and behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(3), 242-250. [Paper]
Krems, J. A., & Neuberg, S. L. (2021). Updating long-held assumptions about fat stigma: For women, body shape plays a critical role. Social Psychological and Personal Science, 13(1), 70-82. [Paper] [Data + Code]
Kierns, N., Tsotsoros, C., Addante, S., Laymen, H., Krems, J. A., Pearl, R., Tomiyama, J. A., & Hawkins, M. A. W. (2021). Adverse Childhood Experiences Associated with Greater Internalization of Weight Stigma in Women with Excess Weight. Obesities, 1(1), 49-57.
Lopez, S. V., Krems, J. A., Dunn, D. S, Warner, E. A., & Leffingwell, T. R. (2021). Short-term mating orientation as a predictor of alcohol-related risky sexual behavior. Journal of American College Health.
Moon, J. W., Krems, J. A., & Cohen, A. B.. (2021). Is there anything good about atheists? Exploring positive and negative stereotypes of the religious and nonreligious. Social Psychological and Personal Science, 12(8), 1505-1516. [Pre-print] [Pre-registration, Data, + Code]
Varnum, M. E. W., Krems, J. A., Wormley, A., Morris, C. & Grossmann, I. (2021). Why are song lyrics becoming simpler? A time series analysis of lyrical complexity in six decades of American popular music. PLOS ONE. [Paper] [Data + Code]
Ko, A., Pick, C., Kwon, J. Y., Barlev, M., Krems, J. A., Varnum, M. E. W., …& Kenrick, D. T. (2020). Family matters: Rethinking the social psychology of human motivation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(1), 173-201. [Paper] [Data + Code]
[Winner, SPSP Outstanding Research Award]
Krems, J. A., & Conroy-Beam, D. (2020). First tests of Euclidean preference integration in friendship: Euclidean friend value and power of choice on the friend market. Evolution & Human Behavior, 41(3), 188-198. [Paper] [Data + Code]
Krems, J. A., Rankin, A. M., & Northover, S. B. (2020). Women’s strategic defenses against same-sex aggression: Evidence from sartorial choices. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(6), 770-781. [Paper] [Data, Code, + Materials]
[Our article on this work in The Conversation]
Moon, J. W., Krems, J. A., & Cohen, A. B. (2020). Opposition to short-term mating predicts dislike of atheists. Personality and Individual Differences, 165(15), 110-136. [Paper] [Data + Code]
Neuberg, S. L, Williams, K. E. G., Sng, O., Pick, C. M., Neel, R., Krems, J. A., Pirlott, A. G. (2020). Toward capturing the functional and nuanced nature of social stereotypes: An affordance management approach. In B. Gawronski, (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 62 (p. 245-304). [Paper]
Krems, J. A., & Wilkes, J. (2019). Why are conversations limited to about four people? A theoretical exploration of the conversation size constraint. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(3), 140 -147. [Paper]
Moon, J. W., Krems, J. A., Cohen, A. B., & Kenrick, A. B. (2019). Is nothing sacred? Religion, sex, and reproductive strategies. Current Directions in Psychology, 28(4), 361-365. [Paper]
Aktipis, A., Cronk, L.,† Alcock, A., Ayers, J., Balliet, D., Boddy, A. Curry, O. S., Krems, J. A.,Munoz, A., Sullivan, D., Sznycer, D., Wasielewski, H., Wilkinson, G., & Winfrey, P. (2018). Understanding cooperation through fitness interdependence. Nature Human Behavior, 2(7), 429-431. [Paper]
† Trailing authors listed in alphabetical order
Moon, J. W., Krems, J. A., & Cohen, A. B. (2018). Religious targets are trusted because they are viewed as slow life-history strategists. Psychological Science, 29(6), 947-960. [Paper] [Data +Code]
[Our article on this work in The Conversation]
[Finalist, SPSP STudent Poster Award]
Kenrick, D. T., & Krems, J. A. (2018). Well-being, self-actualization, and fundamental motives: An evolutionary perspective. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), e-Handbook of subjective well-being. Nobascholar.
Vaillancourt, T., & Krems, J. A. (2018). The development of female aggression in evolutionary perspective. In S. M. Coyne & J. M. Ostrov (Eds.), The development of relational aggression. Oxford University Press.
2017 | Prior
Krems, J. A., Kenrick, D. T., & Neel, R. (2017). Individual perceptions of self-actualization: What functional motives are linked to fulfilling one’s full potential? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(9), 1337- 1352. [Paper] [Materials]
Krems, J. A., & Varnum, M. E. W. (2017). More than just climate: The role of other ecological dimensions in explaining human aggression across societies [commentary]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e89. [Data]
Krems, J. A., Neel, R., Neuberg, S. L., Puts, D. A., & Kenrick, D. T. (2016). Women selectively guard their (desirable) mates from ovulating women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101(4), 551-573.
Krems, J. A., Dunbar, R. I. M., & Neuberg, S. L. (2016). Something to talk about: Are conversation sizes constrained by mental modeling abilities? Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(6), 423-428.
David-Barrett, T., Rotkirch, A., Carney, J., Behncke Izquierdo, I., Krems, J. A., Townley, D., McDaniell, E., Byrne-Smith, A., & Dunbar, R. I. M. (2015). Women favor dyadic relationships, but men prefer clubs: Cross-cultural evidence from social networking. PLOS ONE, 10(3), e0118329.
Krems, J. A., Neuberg, S. L., Filip-Crawford, G., & Kenrick, D. T. (2015). Is she angry? (Sexually desirable) Women ‘see’ anger on female faces. Psychological Science, 26(11), 1655-1663.
Krems, J. A., & Dunbar, R. I. M. (2013). Clique size and network characteristics in hyperlink cinema: Constraints of evolved psychology. Human Nature, 24(4), 414-429.